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Sonic Generations Graphics Confi Key Keygen Windows Zip Final


Sonic Generations Graphics Confi If you have been wondering why Sonic Generations is so different from any other Sonic game, the answer is its graphics. Sonic’s new look comes from a collaboration between Sega and their art company, SenzaFeltre is a company that specializes in stylish design and creative animation. Their website claims to be the world’s leading exporter of high-end creative designs to the entertainment industry. “They have a fantastic track record in creative work for the top-notch video games and films,” states a Sega representative. The team at has been especially known for its work on biographical films about rock legends such as John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, and Elvis Presley. “We wanted to get someone who could really capture what Sonic was from their viewpoint, from an artistic standpoint,” said the rep. “And we were very happy with their work.” While Sega and SenzaFeltrea’s collaboration seems like a match made in heaven, according to the art company, their involvement with Sonic was an artistically and creatively based decision. “We love being involved in these type of projects,” says Fabio Mehra, the creative director at SenzaFeltre. “and have been working with Sega on various titles for a while now.” As far as the design goes, Mehra was asked if he had any input on how Sonic should look in Generations. “I was able to have a small but very strong influence on the look, because I’m the Creative Director of Sonic Generations,” he stated. “That said, our involvement didn’t start until after development had begun.” Mehra credits the design team for coming up with “a really good way to give Sonic a fresher younger look because at the same time it also maintains his personality and personality traits. It combines both elements into one fresher design that still retains its timeless classic feel. I think that the cuteness of Sonic is something that is important to us as artists because it helps appeal to the younger audience as well as all ages. I think all ages are able to enjoy the game, even if they are not really into Sonic.” The SenzaFeltre design team are known for their work on renowned artists such as George Lucas, John Lennon, David Lynch, Spike Lee, and Elvis Presley. Sega’s Sonic Generations releases across all major regions on November 15th. cfa1e77820

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