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Puggy to win the world torrent: Discover the story behind the songs and the band


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Puggy to win the world torrent

It seemed now to Athénaïse that Montéclinwas the only friend left to her in the world.Her father and mother had turned from her inwhat appeared to be her hour of need. Herfriends laughed at her, and refused to take seriouslythe hints which she threw out, - feelingher way to discover if marriage were as distastefulto other women as to herself. Montéclinalone understood her. He alone had alwaysbeen ready to act for her and with her, to comfortand solace her with his sympathy and hissupport. Her only hope for rescue from herhateful surroundings lay in Montéclin. Ofherself she felt powerless to plan, to act, evento conceive a way out of this pitfall into whichthe whole world seemed to have conspired tothrust her.

An hour later she had gone to her room,and Gouvernail stayed smoking on the balcony.He knew her quite well after that hour's talk.It was not so much what she had said as whather half saying had revealed to his quickintelligence. He knew that she adored Montéclin,and he suspected that she adored Cazeauwithout being herself aware of it. He hadgathered that she was self-willed, impulsive,innocent, ignorant, unsatisfied, dissatisfied; forhad she not complained that things seemed allwrongly arranged in this world, and no onewas permitted to be happy in his own way?And he told her he was sorry she had discoveredthat primordial fact of existence so earlyin life.

It occurred one morning to Polydore towonder what would happen if he did not getup. He hardly expected the world to stopturning on its axis; but he did in a way believethat the machinery of the whole plantationwould come to a standstill.

So she was quite alone in the world, exceptfor her dog Ponto, and the negroes wholived in her cabins and worked her crops, andthe fowls, a few cows, a couple of mules, hergun (with which she shot chicken-hawks), andher religion.

The perfume that came from the damp,massed flowers was heavy and almost sickeningin its pungency. Mr. Billy quivered alittle, and drew involuntarily back, as if froman unexpected assailant, when the odorreached him. He had been making cottonand corn for so many years, he had forgottenthere were such things as lilies in the world.

MAMOUCHE stood within the opendoorway, which he had just entered.It was night; the rain was falling intorrents, and the water trickled from him asit would have done from an umbrella, if hehad carried one.

Mamzelle Fleurette was in great trouble;trouble which was so bitter, so sweet, sobewildering, so terrifying! It had come sostealthily upon her she had never suspectedwhat it might be. She thought the world wasgrowing brighter and more beautiful; shethought the flowers had redoubled their sweetnessand the birds their song, and that thevoices of her fellow-creatures had grownkinder and their faces truer.

He did not know why it was so; he couldnot understand. But from that day he feltthat he began to live again, to be once morea part of the moving world about him. Hewould ask himself over and over again why itwas so, and stay bewildered before this truththat he could not answer or explain, andwhich he began to accept as a holy mystery.

OZÈME often wondered why there wasnot a special dispensation of providenceto do away with the necessity for work.There seemed to him so much created forman's enjoyment in this world, and so littletime and opportunity to profit by it. To sitand do nothing but breathe was apleasure to Ozème; but to sit in the companyof a few choice companions, including asprinkling of ladies, was even a greater delight;and the joy which a day's hunting orfishing or picnicking afforded him is hardly tobe described. Yet he was by no means indolent.He worked faithfully on the plantationthe whole year long, in a sort of methodicalway; but when the time came around for hisannual week's holiday, there was no holdinghim back. It was often decidedly inconvenientfor the planter that Ozème usually choseto take his holiday during some very busyseason of the year.

There were steam-gins at work; he couldhear them whistling far and near. On bothsides of the river the fields were white withcotton, and everybody in the world seemedbusy but Ozème. This reflection did notdistress or disturb him in the least; he pursuedhis way at peace with himself and hissurroundings. 2ff7e9595c

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