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FULL Fast Report5 For Delphi Xe


Q: I assume the code and events are not available with the Embarcadero version?A: Yes, the script is not available in EDN version. You can always look at differences between editions here:

FULL Fast Report5 For Delphi Xe

Q: Is there a difference between the FastReport included with Rad Studio and the paid versions from FastReport?A: Yes, compare:

Q: I have not used fast reports. How can you add this to a delphi App?A: Just add TfrxReport component from Fast Report components palette on the form and after you can call report designer by double clicking on the component.Q: I have not used fast reports. How can you add this to a delphi App?A: Just place "FRxreport" component to your application form and doubleclick it :)

The regular expression engine in Delphi XE is PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression). It's a fast and compliant (with generally accepted regex syntax) engine which has been around for many years. Users of earlier versions of delphi can use it with TPerlRegEx, a delphi class wrapper around it.

  • Portal is a unique set of components that is available with full source code and different support level agreements. Nexus Portal allows you to write a custom host application for your clients in minutes and you can connect and remotely view or even control their computers with one single button click.Nexus Portal is faster than any other shrink wrapped software and the well balanced combination of simplicity and flexibility gives you full control over connections at any given time. Informations Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)

  • Source: On purchase/registration

  • price: $746

  • Source price: $1333

  • Size: 10 247kB

Platforms: D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D2010, D7, DXE, DXE2, DXE3, DXE64

1) Related to RenderEngine = Direct3D, (Direct2D not an issue), The good news is latest Intel integrated graphics is fairly fast (compared to legacy HD), with one catch, Direct3D MultiSampleAntiAliasing might need to be disabled. We decided to make a change related Intel graphics drivers (integrated graphics). When Intel introduced Iris Xe graphics (we started getting problem reports mid 2021) we discovered the Iris Xe driver was unstable with a SampleCount greater than 1 when rendering charts (no D3DebugLayer errors, warnings, or failed function calls). Now, instead of improving the Intel Iris Xe driver, Intel may have propagated questionable logic to more of their chips and related graphics drivers (UHD) as we have recently received a few problem reports related to 12th gen Intel chips and UHD non Iris Xe. So for now, we are defaulting SampleCount=1 when creating the 3D device context with a driver that includes the word "Intel" in its description. We will again attempt to communicate with Intel to see if they can improve their graphics drivers to prevent crashing software with no reported errors and no failed function calls. SampleCount=1 in other words disables Direct3D inherent MultiSampleAntiAliasing feature. The performance and stability increase related to setting SampleCount=1 definitely far outweighs the minimal degraded visual quality on low end systems with Intel integrated graphics. As always we recommend discreet graphics, for example, laptops with AMD RDNA, NVidia MX or even AMD Vega with older cpus will out perform a new 12th or 13th gen Intel with Iris Xe or UHD at less cost. Stay tuned, and we appreciate customers also emailing the Intel graphics driver support team and mention "Direct3D SampleCount greater than 1 causing stability issues". Customers can control the sample count with our property PEP_nDXMSAA, Pe3do1.PeSpecial.DxMSAA. Customers can avoid the Intel driver check by setting this property to non-zero PEP_nIGNOREDRIVERCHECK (1781). Hopefully Intel will listen and help. We appreciate feedback related to your experiences with systems with Intel integrated graphics, especially 12th or 13th gen Intel. On our end we will be researching the issue and possibly look into an end-of-pipeline anti-aliasing mechanism as a work around. In our many years of providing Direct3D charting, we've never had an issue with graphic drivers (NVidia, AMD, legacy Intel HD) until Intel and Iris Xe. We believe older Intel HD graphics systems are fine (though slow) and we are mostly being proactive related to newer 11th, 12th and 13th gen Intel with integrated UHD graphic drivers; but also believe the Intel HD drivers will benefit in performance from this change. 2) Related to Pesgo and Direct3D, we added logic to test if the graphics driver supports double precision and now optionally choose shaders with float or double precision which resolves issues with zooming inward deeply in 2D.3) PEsearchsubsetandpoint has been enhanced to handle scenarios of large blocks of identical XData. Identical XData was preventing our logic to consider the data sequential. Now blocks of identical XData will still be considered sequential, we recommend setting PEP_nSEQUENTIALDATAX(2039) to 1 if you know your data might include an initial block of identical XData and wish to use PEsearchsubsetandpoint.

Version 9.7 continues to add to RenderEngine = Direct3D rendering technology to mimic features found in Direct2D. v10 is getting closer to release, and will easily support porting, so we greatly appreciate customers taking advantage of buying 9 now and getting 10 for free. v10 is taking longer than expected as we are now also refactoring Direct3D construction onto the gpu. ProEssentials is very fast, but moving to gpu based construction will help with plotting billions of data points and the speed will be the absolute fastest available. ProEssentials will soon once again be the fastest most professionally and meticulously rendered scientific, engineering, large information system charting engine available. v10 is also adding jagged data (individual subsets will have their own new storage) with inherent per subset circular buffer features which the gpu will also utilize incrementally. v10's level of sophistication will be top-class, so because of delays, we decided to release v9.7 with a few v10 additions.1) Pe3do 3D Log scales in X Y Z for all plotting methods, annotations, and features, and Direct3D Pesgo 2D Log support. See examples 139, 402 and 404. See PeGrid.Configure.XAxisScaleControl, and LogScaleExpLabels to optionally show log scales in normal numeric format instead of scientific notation. 2) Pe3do new property GridBandsPatching. Set to false to disable grid patching and enable grid strips of GridBandsColor.3) New Quick Draw Tooling / Annotation feature as part of Pesgo, Pego, and Pepso. See demo project example 110 for a working demonstration. Running this example, left-click + drag, draws a round rect selection tool with data-coordinate-sizing prompts. This feature allows for a fully customized annotation layer to be constructed and displayed and hidden without overhead of reconstructing the underlying image. 4) New colored Cursor and line styled Cursor are also available as part of the new quick drawing feature. See example 105. 5) The WPF interfaces have been improved to use the new colored and styled cursors by default. The CursorMode feature was problematic with the older WPF interfaces as they attempted to rely on ROP2 drawing logic that was highly efficient at drawing a cursor without any additional memory or processing requirements; however, WPF is too non-Windows to get this to work in all scenarios. The new approach draws the cursor to a prepared bitmap and the composite scene is then refreshed and solves all CursorMode concerns. 6) Fixed a cursor flicker issue when combining CursorMode feature with tooltip CursorPromptTracking feature. 7) Fixed CursorMode repeat keyboard processing when holding arrow keys within the WPF interface. 8) Fixed z order issues with RenderEngine=Direct3D 2D rendering to honor subset order similar to Direct2D and SubsetsToShow and RandomSubsetsToGraph features. 9) Fixed Pego MouseWheel zooming out issue with large data sets. 2ff7e9595c

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