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EBook: 42 Rules To Jump Start Your Professional Success For Free


Malcolm wrote a piece of literature to inspire people. Who cares if 10,000 is correct or not? The point is, we need to start somewhere, grow, challenge ourselves, and just to learn something new. I believe in learning to work towards something of interest or something that comes naturally first, and then spend your life doing it. When you get older help children advance and be better than you. That is evolution.Yes, there is more involved in becoming a master than just the hours spent. Time is not the only element, but time is a concept idea most can grasp. Life is not information life is turning human capability into ability, and to do that, it requires practice and then commits to doing ongoing work to achieve success. My question is_, Why not spend 10,000 hours? If you spend 2 hours a day practicing, something, and progress each year, you will gain close to fourteen years of experience. The rewards will be great whether or not to achieve mastery. One thing I would guarantee, is anyway who applies themselves to 10,000 hours of progressive practice will become GOOD at whatever they choose to do. Work to produce results. If you have an interest, pursue it. You may not reach your goal, but you will gain the experience attaining results that will demonstrate something more than where you will end up if you do nothing.

eBook: 42 Rules to Jump Start Your Professional Success for Free

If you've got an idea, start today. There's no better time than now to get going. That doesn't mean quit your job and jump into your idea 100 percent from day one, but there's always small progress that can be made to start the movement. 2ff7e9595c

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